The dynamics inside a fusion reactor are so multicomplex sometimes the walls melt.
A team of physicists from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wein) has found a technique to control Type-I ELM plasma instabilities, which can melt the walls of fusion machines. The effort is published in the journal Physical Review Letters and referenced at
Without a doubt someday it is feasible to have fusion power plants providing sustainable energy solving our long-standing energy problems. This is the main reason so many physicists throughout the world are carrying out research on this power source. The generation of power from this technique actually mimics the sun.
For the process to work, plasmas must be heated to 100 million degrees Celsius in reactors. Magnetic fields surround the plasma keeping the walls of the reactor from melting. The shell that is created around the plasma can only work because the outermost centimeters of the edge of that shell, called the magnetically created plasma edge, are very well insulated.
There is however an issue with this way of enclosing the sun-level heat of the plasma. In that edge region, there are plasma uncertainties, called edge localized modes (ELMs). ELMs occur continually, during the fusion reaction. During an ELM, active particles from the plasma may hit the wall of the reactor, potentially mutilate it.
How a fusion reactor works is intricated, and the dynamics inside are also complex. The motion of the particles is dependent on the plasma density, temperature and magnetic field. How these parameters are chosen command how the reactor will work. When the smaller particles of plasma strike the walls or the reactor, instead of a round shape, the reactor takes on a triangular shape with rounded corners, but the arrangement is far less damaged than with a large ELM.
This is a huge step to having a continuous fusion reaction with massive energy potential.
Reference : Interesting Engineering
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